We Do it All

Professional comprehensive investigation into most cases. Boots on the ground, eyes at the scene. Give yourself a better view of what happened and where it happened. Along with photo documentation, statements, and a complete report to outline the details of my findings.
Diligent paper service in Outagamie, Calumet, and Winnebago
3 Attempts
Dash cam, Body cam and Audio documentation available on request
Affidavit Notarization
Preservice subject verification on; Home and work address, possible contacts, and phone numbers
Quick, Prompt, Accurate. I do my homework ahead of time so I am fully versed in the subjects' home, work, and likeness.

Trust can be, unfortunately, hard to come by these days, thus trusting people blindly is getting harder to do. When you decide to work with Echoes Investigations LLC, you will know that every angle was covered and every effort taken to find all the Echoes of truth that can be seen. Seen, Photographed, video and audio recorded, documented and in a neat little report in the palm of your hand.
Make sure that who you are hiring, is a good fit for you. We use the latest databases in order to provide this service for all our clients. Whether you’re an individual or an organization, give us a call to schedule a consultation and start taking advantage of our latest technology and responsible investigative tactics right away.